- 4th Oct,HAEC General Manager Joshua Participated in the ITW GSE Seminar in Odense 2016-10-13
- 12th SEP 2016,HAEC General Manager Joshua and Kalmar motor AB sales director Magnus met in Beijing,China2016-09-14
- 12th SEP 2016,HAEC team attend the 7th Inter Airport exhibition held in Beijing2016-09-12
- 13th Sep 2016,HAEC General Manager Joshua had a television interview in exhibition Inter Airport2016-09-13
- May 2016,one scissor loader (LAM7000 DP/L9), manufactured by Air Marrel in France was received by ChangLe International Airport in Fuzhou2016-05-17
- Mar 2016,HAEC signed a contract with Liuzhou BaiLian Airport for the supply of six units 400Hz Power Coil2016-03-07
- Feb 2016,HAEC secured the bid with Shanghai HongQiao International Airport for the tender of 23 units 400Hz bridge-mounted GPU2016-02-07
- Dec 2015,21 Power Coil units, purchased by Fuzhou Changle International Airport2015-12-27